
Fun Things to Do With the New Minecraft Armor Stands


Armor Stand Campfire

Armor stands are to put armor on, so why is there a picture of a campfire above?

Well, that’s the beauty of Minecraft, new things that get added get repurposed in unexpected ways. Since the stands were released in the recent 14w32a snapshot, people have had a lot of fun making them do everything but hold armor.

The campfire is the amazingly complex creation of JesperHB. In just 22 relatively easy steps you too can make campfires that look more realistic than other Minecraft fires. One of the steps involves lava. Check out the full guide at this link.

A campfire was small potatoes for WubbiConcepts. He used the posability of the armor stand to make a robot that can mine and kill.

Here’s a fun video from docm77 showing it action.

About Shawn Hopkins

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