Roy Lichtenstein was a pop-art painter from the 1950’s and 1960’s who became famous for his recreations of romance comic book panels. Romance comics aren’t published anymore, but Lichtenstein tells you all you need to know about them — they were incredibly melodramatic, like the scene in his most famous painting, 1963’s Drowning Girl.
This new Minecraft creation, brought to existence by Tober888 of the MysticAbsents group, is a copy of the DC comic book cover that Drowning Girl originated from. Brought to our attention by Kotaku, this is more than just an art piece. Plenty of famous paintings have been block-ified in the game, but this one is completely different up close than it is from far away.
When you move in closer, Drowning Girl becomes an entire world. The face becomes mountains, the lake becomes…..well, a much bigger lake. It’s only Drowning Girl if you look at it from a certain angle; otherwise it’s a whole area to explore. Pretty neat!
Download Drowning Girl by heading for this link.
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