The British Geological Survey has created a Minecraft map of Great Britain and the surrounding islands.
The map not only shows the geography of the nation, it shows the geology. If you dig down, you’ll see an accurate representation of the minerals that lie underground represented by various Minecraft blocks. Roads, cities, and other features are also represented by specific types of blocks chosen for their colors. One of the kinds of roads is pumpkin!
Eurogramer has a great flyover video of the map, which you can see above.
Of course, the map doesn’t have any major landmarks on it. But you can download it here and build them yourself, if you want. It’s a hefty 6 GB download. That link also has a detailed description of how the world file was made.
Hopefully no Americans will attack this and mess it up as unfortunately happened with the Minecraft version of Denmark. But as an American myself I’m not making any guarantees.
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